Have you been thinking of buying an electric vehicle? All-electric vehicles together with plug-in hybrids all fit into this category. Want to learn more? Click the link to take a look at a pdf file of the latest Electric Vehicle Guide and/or attend our Ask An Expert event at the […]
Get There Greener in Brighton
Recently we have been asked about the best ways to reduce our carbon emissions. Here’s one list of answers from Science. I bet you could do at least one of them, and I suspect you will be surprised by some of them.
East Ave Bikelane Letter to Brighton TB_PDF ColorBrightonGreenEastAvetoNYSDOT
ColorBrightonGreen.org supports transportation infrastructure that will provide safe travel for non-carbon emitting vehicles such as bicycles. There is a proposed change to the lane configuration on Route 96 (East Avenue) between E. Highland Drive and Route 31F in the towns of Brighton and Pittsford. The current configuration of Rt. 96 is a […]
One of the things that makes it much easier to get by in Europe without owning a car is the abundance of car- and bicycle-sharing programs. We’ve seen them in almost every city we’ve visited this year, and I’ll be sharing pictures from different places.
Today’s bike rack picture is much more the norm at my neighborhood school. Looks like 6 students and 1 staff person rode their bike to work today at this primary school in Brighton, New York. Who has taken the leap to encourage their child to bike to school? If not, […]
I counted over 60 bicycles at my local elementary school this wonderful atypical day. Unfortunately, this bike rack doesn’t look like this on every nice day! Wondering what parents might be willing to do to fill it up like this more often…Would you be willing to ride your bike to […]
Greatest sight here: a cyclist with a big white cello case strapped to his shoulder. We’ve also seen trombones and violins carried by people on wheels. One of these days the cellist will slow down or stop at a light and I’ll be able to snap a picture to post […]
Observation of the day: there are more pedestrians and cyclists here in Germany, but cars have a more universal right-of-way. One can never assume that a car will stop to let a pedestrian cross. Maybe I’ve spent too much time on college campuses in the U.S., but I’m used to […]
The title of this post may be a little deceiving, because we did not actually take advantage of the ubiquitous transport-sharing programs in Paris. We were able to walk almost everywhere; when distances were too far, we either took a bus or the Metro. That said, the bike-sharing program was […]